De lengte van een rechthoek is x. De breedte is de helft van de lengte. De oppervlakte van deze rechthoek is |
A. \(x\) |
B. \(x^2\) | |
C. \(\frac{x^2}{2}\) | |
D. \(\frac{x^2}{4}\) | |
E. \(5x\) |
[ 2-9454 - op net sinds 10.1.2025-(E)- ]
The length of a rectangle is x. Its width is half its length. The area of this rectangle is |
A. \(x\) |
B. \(x^2\) | |
C. \(\frac{x^2}{2}\) | |
D. \(\frac{x^2}{4}\) | |
E. \(5x\) |