Van deze rechthoek is rood gekleurd, geel, en de rest groen. Welk deel van de rechthoek is groen gekleurd ? |
A. \(\frac27\) |
B. \(\frac37\) | |
C. \(\frac47\) | |
D. \(\frac57\) | |
E. \(\frac12\) |
[ 1-9222 - op net sinds 27.10.2018-(E)-13.12.2024 ]
Of the rectangle, 1/7 is colored red, 1/7 yellow, and the rest green. What part of the rectangle is colored green ? |
A. \(\frac27\) |
B. \(\frac37\) | |
C. \(\frac47\) | |
D. \(\frac57\) | |
E. \(\frac12\) |