Wat is de kleinste positieve oplossing (in °) van de goniometrische vergelijking
  2. cos2 (3x + 30°) = 1   ?
A.  5°
B.  10°
C.  15°
D.  20°
E.  25°
A    B    C    D    E 

[ 5-4655 - op net sinds 5.3.2020-(E)-23.10.2023 ]

Translation in   E N G L I S H

What is the smallest positive solution (in degrees) of the trigonometric equation
  2. cos2 (3x + 30°) = 1   ?
A.   5°
B.   10°
C.   15°
D.   20°
E.   25°

Oplossing - Solution

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