De grootst gemene deler
van  140  en  300  is
A.   100
B.   20
C.   2100
D.   4
E.   5
A    B    C    D    E 

[ 1-4210 - op net sinds 22.1.04-(E)-29.10.2023 ]

Translation in   E N G L I S H

The greatest common
divisor (GCD) of
140  and  300  is
A.   100
B.   20
C.   2100
D.   4
E.   5

Oplossing - Solution

140 = 2.70 = 2.2.35 = = 22.51.71
300 = 3.10.10 = = 22.31.52
De grootst gemene deler is dus 22.51 = 4.5 = 20