De oplossingen-
verzameling van

A.   ] 14 , plusoneindig[
B.   ] − 6 , plusoneindig[
C.   ] +6 , plusoneindig[
D.   ]minoneindig, 14 [
E.   ]minoneindig, 6 [
A    B    C    D    E 

[ 4,5-3273 - op net sinds 18.10.04-(E)-21.7.2024]

Translation in   E N G L I S H

What is the
solution set of
A.   (14 , ∞)>        ( or x >14 )
B.   (− 6 , ∞)        ( or x >− 6 )
C.   (+6 , ∞)        ( or x >6 )
D.   (minoneindig, 14 )       ( or x <14 )
E.   (minoneindig, 6 )         ( or x <6 )

Oplossing - Solution