correct ?
A.   927       is gelijk aan     279
B.   927    is het kwadraat van   279
C.   927    is de derde macht van   279
D.   927    is de derde wortel van   279
E.   927 is de vierkantswortel van 279
A    B    C    D    E 

[ 3,4-2577 - op net sinds 25.9.02-(E)-25.10.2023 ]

Translation in   E N G L I S H

is correct ?
A.   927       is equal to     279
B.   927    is the square of   279
C.   927   is the third power of   279
D.   927    is the third root of   279
E.   927   is the square root of   279

Oplossing - Solution

927 = (3²)27 = 32.27 = 3.27.2 = (327)2
279 = (33)9 = 3.3.9 = 327